What is Élia625

Élia625 is not your average rum..! From sustainably harvested sugarcane, water naturally filtered by nature, and meticulously aged. Élia625 is your Premium Jamaican rum.  Élia625, with its distinct flavor profile, Élia625 is complex with identifiable notes of sugar cane, dried fruit and molasses.  Some say they taste a smokiness with hints of vanilla.  Experience Élia625 and decide for yourself.  Delightful, whether straight up or mixed as your favorite cocktail, Élia625 is the choice for the discerning palate.
Easily sippable leaving a silky-smooth feel in your mouth- Élia625- is sure to be on the top of your favorite rums list. For celebrations, during your evening winddown, with dinner, as an accompaniment to your favorite cigar, or just because; Élia625 is the choice of the definitive rum drinker.  The days of sticky, sweet, overpowering rums are gone. Experience the taste of Élia625 and never look back…white, dark, or spiced Élia625 is the rum to soothe your spirit.!!